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Feeling faint during pregnancy?

changes during pregnancy exercise during pregnancy feeling faint during pregnancy learn about pregnancy pilates pregnancy pilates pregnancy course for teachers pilates teachers pregnancy fainting vasodilation during pregnancy Aug 01, 2024


Wanting to learn more about Pregnancy changes? This is for you.

I recently presented my Pilates Pregnancy and Postnatal course in Brisbane and Melbourne and I realised that there is just so much going on with the Prenatal body, and one of these changes is Vasodilation - the relaxation or widening of the blood vessels.

We as Pilates teachers need to absolutely learn as much as we can about the changes during pregnancy so that we can deliver the best outcomes for our Pre and postnatal clients.

This is a one minute video that briefly explains vasodilation during pregnancy.


An invitation to

Transform your teaching of your Pre and Postnatal clients with my online Pilates Pregnancy and Postnatal course. Learn more here.


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